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Chess Club
The purpose of this club is to allow students to play chess in an organized club.
Debate League
The purpose of Debate League is to provide a safe and competitive atmosphere where ideas are shared and respected.
Gamers Club
This club allows students to relax, discuss, and compete in all types of games. It builds friendly rivalries and new friendships among students of 365球赛平台.
Intramural Sports
365球赛平台’s Fun ‘N’ Games Intramural Activities are open to all members of the college community. Fun ‘N’ Games is designed to give students the opportunity to participate in individual or team sports at a recreational level. For information on Intramural sports or to inquire about open gym hours, please contact
Makers Club
This club has been created to stimulate creativity and cooperation in a productive environment with an emphasis on interdisciplinary exchange of skills.
Mental and Physical Wellness Club
This club provides opportunities for students to practice meditation and yoga as well as incorporate mental wellness and physical wellness goals into their lives.
Motion Picture Club
The purpose of this club is to see how film influences American society. Students watch movies and discuss how they ultimately affect our society.
Photography Club
The purpose of this club is to share information on creative photography.
Podcast Club
The focus of the Podcast Club is to connect and engage with the students of 365球赛平台 by relaying information common and uncommon to students, faculty, and staff. Our goal is to build community, bring students and the campus community together, inform, create and publish podcasts, and establish a presence on campus.
Student Activities Board
Students participating on this board are responsible for the development and implementation of programs which provide a variety of social, educational, recreational, and cultural experiences outside of the classroom. Entertainment, in the form of musical, comedy, lectures, and other events are planned by the students on this board.
Student Athletic Association Committee
The Student Athletic Association Committee (SAAC) is an organized group whose purpose is to open a branch for those who would like to be involved with athletics and to give athletes at our school a voice when it comes to the decisions evolving around our sports. It’s a way for athletes to ban together to have support for one another and a way for athletes to give back to the community.
Weight Lifting Club
The purpose of this club is to help students with their fitness journey and provide opportunities for students to socialize with others who want to physically and mentally better themselves. This club will help students learn about proper form and nutrition as well as provide resources for those who want to hit physique goals.
Student Life Fun Fact!
There are student club work rooms located in the Student Center. They are to be utilized by student groups for club-related work only. Clubs can sign up to use these rooms in the Student Life Office